- EARS Independent Advocacy Service – old people, survivors of stroke, learning disability and/or autism, physical disability and/or acquired brain injury. Individual advocacy.
- Edinburgh Carers Council – carers, those who wish to support carers or are looking for information about mental health services. Individual, collective and policy. Information, professional advocacy, peer advocacy, support groups and training opportunities.
- Equal Say – learning disabilities, mental health. Individual, group and policy. Advocacy and emotional support, empowerment groups.
- Highland Carers Advocacy – For carers. Individual advocacy.
- Kindred – Parents of children with complex needs. Individual, group, policy and training. Individual support and advocacy, group support, campaigning.
- Parent Child Advocacy – parents, children, care leavers and children with special education needs and/or disabilities. Individual support, advise and advocacy.
- Parenting across Scotland – parents, families and those who work with families. Individual and policy. Advice – Help line, information, research and campaigning.
- Partners in Advocacy – children and young people aged 21 and under dealing a range of difficulties. Individual, group and policy. One to one support, rights advocacy, collective support – groups.
- People first Scotland – people with learning disabilities or intellectual impairment. Individual, group and policy. Support and advocacy, support groups.
- Spirt advocacy – people with mental ill health and people with learning disabilities. Collective self help groups.
- East Ayrshire Advocacy services – old people, vulnerable parents, mental health issues, learning disabilities, drug or alcohol addictions, those in care homes, people detained under the mental health act, prisoners of HMP Kilmarnock. Individual and group advocacy and support.
- You first Advocacy – adults who are receiving health and social care services. Individual advocacy.
- Speak-Out Advocacy Project – Adults and children with disabilities. Individual support and advocacy.
- Renfrewshire Carers Advocacy Service – Carers of people dealing with mental health difficulties, physical difficulties, learning difficulties and older people. Individual policy. Support and advocacy, training.
- Independent Advocacy Perth and Kinross – disability, illness or life circumstances, including people who are experiencing mental health problems or have learning disabilities, dementia, and people who are unpaid Carers. Individual advocacy.
- Dundee Independent Advocacy Support (DIAS) – old people; mental health issues; dementia; learning or physical disabilities. Individual Citizen advocacy , peer advocacy , independent advocacy, self help advocacy groups.
- Lomond and Argyll Advocacy Services – adults with learning difficulties, adults that use mental health services and people over 65. Individual advocacy and support.
- Dunfermline Advocacy – For vulnerable people. Individual citizen advocacy.
- Equal Voice in Central Fife – learning disability, physical disability, mental health or chronic illness. Individual, group and policy. Citizen advocacy, awareness raising, group support.
- Fourth Valley Advocacy – older people and people with mental health issues. Individual advocacy.
- Highland Carers Advocacy – For carers. Individual advocacy.
- Include Me – Vulnerable adults (anyone who needs in). Individual advocacy (citizen advocacy).
- Mental Health Advocacy Project (West Lothian) – Mental health. Individual, group. Peer support groups, advocacy, service users forum.
- EOS Advocacy is a paid Community Interest Company, operating across the UK , with a focus on individual child protection advocacy and support (with a specialization in cases of Fabricated or Induced Illness allegations) . They accept self and professional referrals and are primarily staffed by professionals.
- Muslim women network, is a free charitable service, operating nationally, with a focus on the needs of Muslim women. They have a help line and they are primarily staffed by professionals.
- Powher, is a free charitable service, operating nationally, with a focus on individual rights advocacy in a wide range of community needs (e.g. Mental health and health). They accept both self and professional referrals and are primarily staffed by professionals.
- Rethink is a free charitable service, operating nationally, with a focus on individual, group and policy mental health support and advocacy. They accept both professional and self referrals and are primarily staffed by professionals.
- Autism links – For anyone who accesses the website but is intended for anyone who has autism. Information.
- Family rights group, is a free charitable service, operating on a national level, with a focus on child protection advocacy (policy level, training and an advice line). The advice line is free and open for all and they are primarily staffed by professionals and parents with lived experience.
- Fathers 4 justice is a paid service, operating on the national level, with a focus on individual and policy advocacy for fathers going through the family courts. They accept both professional and self-referrals and are primarily staffed by parents with lived experience.
- Fightback is a collective of parents, operating on the national level, with a focus on individual support and advocacy for Parents accused with FII and false accusations. They accept self-referrals and are primarily staffed by parents with lived experience.
- Newlife the charity for disabled children is a free charitable service, operating on a national level, with a focus on individual advocacy and support as well as policy advocacy for disabled children and their families. They accept both professional and self-referrals (only families involved with the Newcastle CS) and are primarily staffed by professionals with parents with lived experience also involved.
- The potato group is a collective of parents operating on a national level, with a focus on support groups and online sharing forums for parents with adopted teens from the care system. They are open for all and are primarily staffed by community members.